Monday, May 3, 2010

Final Documentation: Self-Evaluation

Much like the midterm, I am satisfied with what I was able to accomplish but I wish I could have done more. I think the pinball machine looks much more authentic now, which was one of my main goals. In addition, I think the Pong machine, while simple, makes the video a lot more visually appealing overall. I also like the bright lighting as opposed to the darkness of my midterm video. When I finished my midterm I was considering using dynamics to make the pinball motion more fluid, but as I progressed on the other elements of the project, I soon realized that adding dynamics would be too ambitious. Also, If I had more time, I would have smoothed out the pinball animation on the rails as well. As it is, I think its passable but I wish it was a little better. Unfortunately, Maya has a bad habit of crashing at the worst possible times, and as a result I had to redo that part of the project more than once. Under my current time constraints, however, I felt I did a good job.

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