Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Midterm Documentation: Self-Evaluation

I put a significant amount of time and effort into this project, and I hope that it shows. Overall, I am pleased with how it turned out. I think the camera angles work well, and the LED screen came out as good as I had hoped. The only issue I really have with the animation is that I wish I could have given the pinball more realistic-looking motion. Animating with key frames definitely took a lot of work, but in the long run it was probably a better idea to do that than to use motion paths, which I'm not as familiar with. Next time I will also make an effort to try using more complex shaders and lighting. Considering that I have very little experience with Maya, I feel that I did a good job, though I always see ways I can improve my own work. Hopefully I will be able to implement more advanced techniques to adapt this project for the final. I think it could definitely benefit from adding special effects, better textures, and so on.

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