Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Midterm Documentation: Proposal

For this midterm, my main goal was to take advantage of my skills in Maya while improving on my animation, which I felt I needed more experience in. As a result, I decided not to use the project I had made to previously demonstrate techniques taught in class, which was a 3D representation of a Sonic the Hedgehog level. While I did enjoy working on that project, I felt that it did not achieve the goals I set for myself for this midterm since it was entirely modeling. Originally, my plan was to make an animation involving a bow and arrow. Ultimately, this project did not work out. Certain surfaces did not animate the way I wanted them to, and it generally seemed too simple and unimpressive. As a result, I started from scratch, with a new goal: a pinball machine. My proposal was to model a pinball machine, complete with animating pinball, flippers, obstacles, and an LED screen. A coin goes into the coin slot, the pinball bounces around the table, and then when the player loses, the words “TOO BAD” appear on the LED screen.

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